Sunday, July 28, 2024

One MILLION Dollars For The Humans Of Gaza πŸ‰

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great Sunday so far. If you've been following our journey for the last 8 years or the last 8 months, you know how much we deeply care about humanitarian issues even though we are a clothing brand. Yesterday, we officially surpassed one million dollars in donations for Gaza in the last 8 months.

Yesterday we donated $93,840 for the humans of Gaza that have been dehumanized for 76 years. We have now donated $1,016,559 in total from the profits of our Palestine Collections for food, aid, water, and medical care.

We donated to 3 separate charities:

$53,840 to Pious Projects of America: Pious Project's on-ground team is providing food, water, and medical equipment in Gaza.

$20,000 to Human Concern International: Human Concern International is helping Palestinian children evacuate to Turkey for medical treatment and covering their living, their treatment, long-term care, and other expenses.

$20,000 to Baitulmaal: Baitulmaal's on-ground team to provide food, water, and medical equipment to Gaza.

We know this amount will never bring back Hind from the car she was killed in. We know this amount will never give a hug to the three siblings who watched their father burn from the top of their destroyed home. We know this amount will never comfort Khalid who lost his grandchildren to the brutal occupation as he kissed the eyes of our beloved Reem. We know this amount will never bring back the humans who died alone underneath the rubble, without any human hearing their screams from underneath. I have no words for what's happening in Palestine anymore. How this has been happening for so long is beyond me. Every week we're seeing new cases of decapitated babies, new cases of tortured men released from hostage, new cases of heartbroken mothers grieving over all the children that lived under their protection and love. 

Please, do not let their screams go in void. Keep protesting, keep sharing, keep talking. There is nothing more important in our lives than giving oppressed people our voice. From Palestine to Congo. From Sudan to Yemen. Keep fighting for other humans. We are all family. 

Thank you for supporting us so that we can keep supporting other humans. Free Palestine.

Peace and blessings,



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