It wasn't even that scary guys
| | CAEL WENT ON A HAUNTED HAYRIDE | | The operator warned Cael and the other riders that the hayride is very scary. | | Cael was not sure why the guy looked directly at him. | | Yes, there was a stain near the crotch of Cael's joggers, but it was from a kid who spilled a glass of water on him. | | What a kid was doing with an open glass of water on a haunted hayride is a question for the parents and not Cael – who did not mildly piss his pants. | | Cael called his dad in the middle of the hayride, just to confirm that the actors were not allow to touch guests. | | It was not because he was accused of crying and mildly pissing his pants. | | Cael kept saying "this is not real, this is not real" to help out the kids around him. | | It was not to help calm himself down after crying and letting out a small amount of piss, which, again, he claims he did not do. | | Cael held his girlfriend really close, not because he was scared, but because he is a gentleman and he knows she gets cold easy. | | Again, Cael was not scared and did not mildly piss his pants. | | Cut the line and get a text when new styles arrive. Text "DANGUS" to (332) 244-0333. | | Cut the line and get a text when new styles arrive. Text "DANGUS" to (332) 244-0333. | | No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. birddogs 520 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 | | | | |
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