Sunday, March 17, 2024

drink this “belly fat Drāno” juice to lose 28 lbs in 21 days?

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For the last few days, I shared how a delicious Costa Rican tea is helping thousands of people melt over 6 pounds per week.

Now it's time to share a story from Linda, a 56 years old lady who used this tea to go down from 210 pounds to under 150 in just 3 months.

She is now 149lbs and looks amazing!

Read her story below!

"Hi, I'm Linda and I'm 56 years old.

I am sharing my story because I am really proud of the fact that I was able to lose my first 50 pounds without any workouts or dieting.

Anyway, since starting a family 20 years ago I've struggled with my weight.

I knew having a child would leave me with a few extra pounds. But I didn't realize how hard it would be to stay in shape as a mother... I mean even for a tall woman like me...

It only dawned on me recently how bad things were when I was told my by Doctor that my blood sugar is too high and that I might develop diabetes...

Given the less-than-active lifestyle I had, it shouldn't have been a big surprise.

But the news made me really scared of course.

And when I thought about all the health problems it could lead to, I became terrified.

I started making small changes; reducing my portion size, trying to cut out the snacks, and even tried a few workouts. But when the current global situation came along, I got so stressed and worried I began to comfort eat.

I know this was the worst thing I could have done, but in my head, I kept justifying it. Certain things were beyond my control after all.

Plus, what else could I do?

Gyms were closed, and I never enjoyed working out in the park as everyone was always staring at me...

A friend of mine told me about how she was losing 8 pounds a week by drinking a few cups of Costa Rican tea every day, but I didn't believe her!

But then I came across a story on Facebook about a woman who was a little older than me and had lost over 100 pounds with the same Costa Rican tea.

So, I decided to get the recipe and start drinking a few cups of tea every day!

Go Here To Get The Costa Rican Tea Recipe & Lose 6Lbs A Week!

But just to be sure, I managed to get a video call with my Doctor. I shared the tea specifications and ingredients with him and he told me it looked perfect for me to try.

And that's exactly what I did!

The first thing I noticed was the fact that I became full of energy and I was able to control my urges to comfort eat. In fact, after drinking the tea in the morning, I was not hungry anymore.

In the first few weeks I was able to lose almost 2 inches off my waistline and more than 10 pounds without having to diet or exercise.

Having regained control over my eating and having seen that something is finally working, gave me a big confidence boost too, which helped me get a promotion at my job.

I continued drinking a few cups of tea every day and I decided to start eating healthier.

Instead of pizza I went for grilled chicken with some vegetables, and so on... and after 10 weeks I had lost 50 pounds. I was feeling amazing, plus I was slowly getting toned as well.

In the next 30 days I lost an additional 10 pounds and my body completely changed as I started to develop an attractive shape.

I really think everyone should try the Costa Rican tea because it was a huge help for me!"

Go Here To Get The Costa Rican Tea Recipe & Lose 6Lbs A Week!

Have an amazing day!

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