Sunday, June 11, 2023

Their final attack on me . . .

14 years ago, I founded an organization from my parent's home with the intent of using undercover investigative journalism to expose the corrupt.
14 years ago, I founded an organization from my parent's home with the intent of using undercover investigative journalism to expose the corrupt.
Liberty Guard

Liberty Guard Donation Page
Dear Friend,

Fourteen years ago, I founded an organization from my parent's home with the intent of using undercover investigative journalism to expose the corrupt.

You've seen my work. Most Americans have. 

In February, after releasing a historic investigation on Pfizer, the Board of Directors of the organization I created from scratch, ousted me.

It was a blow, but things happen for a reason. Today, I'm unleashed to do my work through my new organization, OMG, without any obstruction and no one to stop me.

Since I was fired, I've chosen not to look back. I want to move forward with my work, with happiness and spirit. And I move forward carrying with me the many lessons I learned.

Those 14 years were formative. 

When I started, my hands would tremble when I confronted a target of my investigations. It took time, but I overcame my fears of confrontation by grounding myself in principle.

I learned about trust, loyalty, and leadership.

Most importantly, I learned the hard way the true depth of Michael Jordan's quote on leadership: "Winning has a price. And leadership has a price."

I've been sued for exposing the truth more times than I can count. And, get this, yesterday, I was sued in federal court by the very organization I founded.

In my opinion, their intent is to shut me down now that they no longer have any control over me.

And this lawsuit is going to cost me a fortune! That's why I'm writing you today to ask for your support to my legal defense fund.

My friends with the non-profit, Liberty Guard, have set up the fund to pay attorney costs that will quickly pile up.

As I mentioned, this isn't my first rodeo so I know that the cost will exceed $500,000.

Good attorneys aren't cheap, and my pockets are not deep.

No one gets wealthy doing the work that I do. Trust me.

That's where you come in. Will you chip in and help me defend myself?

When you do, I'll be following up as the case progresses but I'll also keep you informed of the great work I'm doing at OMG . . . and it's exciting!

A fresh start, being forced to start over, I'll admit is thrilling. And I'm starting armed with all of the lessons I've learned to avoid the pitfalls I've experienced.

Me and my teams are more efficient, we're more productive, and our work hits like a sledgehammer.

But my work will be silenced if my former employer gets their way. Or the distractions of a court battle and its costs may become overwhelming.

Friend, I'm asking you to STAND UP FOR ME, so I can keep working. And I'll commit to you that I will NOT let you down.

So please, make a donation to my legal defense fund through Liberty Guard. We have a long way to do to hit our goal, so please, donate as much as you can.

Friend, thank you for your direct or indirect support over the years. Your views, donations or simply talking about my work to friends and family has kept me going for 14 years . . . and we cannot stop now!


James O'Keefe

P.S. I have 20 days to file my response to the lawsuit. I have to raise enough money to pay for a retainer and cover the legal work to defend against this lawsuit. This is unfortunately urgent so please, donate today.

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